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Announcing Think It First Summer Hours

June 9, 2023 - By Jamie Trueblood

This week marks the beginning of our first foray into summer hours. For the next three months, we will shift to a four-day work week, giving everyone on the team Fridays off.

As a distributed team, our culture is built on accountability, transparency and communication. Those characteristics are what will make this work and we’re excited to build on our commitment to a healthy work-life balance.

At the same time, we fully understand that shifting to a four-day work week requires protocols, particularly as it relates to our clients. We know that things will come up on Fridays. We know we’ll have emergencies that can’t wait until Monday, or even Saturday. It’s just the nature of our business.

We’ve created automated systems that will notify senior leadership of inbound client communication that requires immediate attention. We’ve also put together an on-call schedule where a TIF team member will “staff the desk” on a rotating schedule. And while we fully encourage folks to take advantage of the three-day weekends, the general rule is simple: keep your phone on.

So that’s what’s up. We’ll keep you posted on how it goes!

Thinking about trying a four-day work week yourself? Fast Company has a good primer.

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