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Humblebrag Time: Think It First Named a Clutch 1000 Firm

April 16, 2021 - By Joe Lashinger

Here’s what that is and why we think it matters

Want to know a secret about most business awards?

They’re pay-to-play opportunities that usually happen in one of two ways. Either the business applies and pays an application fee to be considered or it’s “nominated” and asked to purchase a branding or marketing package in order to “receive” the award.

Yuck, right?

There are, however, awards programs out there that are above the board, transparent and data-driven. The Clutch 1000 is one of those programs—and we’re pumped we made the 2019 edition* and as a part of its Best Design Firms list.

*Yes, we know we’re about six months behind on sharing this news, but times like these are anything but normal. Cut us (and everyone!) a break. ?

What makes the Clutch 1000 legit?

In short, it’s entirely client review based. Firms that make it have no influence. Clutch is a B2B platform that uses verified client reviews to create authentic ratings across 400 industries. They do the reaching out. They have real conversations with clients like ours. We’re not even a part of it.

That’s why we’re so proud of our perfect five-star Clutch rating. It doesn’t speak to who we know or how much we paid. It speaks to our work, our team, and the value we provide to our clients. To them, we say thank you.

And just in case you want to read some of our reviews…

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