We like to be flexible and responsive to your needs, we also like to deliver what we promise within the timeframes and budgets we have allowed. If you ask us to add new features to your website while we are building it, we will most likely ask why? If we all agree that your new request will help us achieve our objectives then we will be more than happy to oblige.
If this new feature is something you would like to add to your website but is not directly tied to your original objectives, then we will suggest a change order or possibly we will schedule it for a second iteration of the website once it has been launched. Change Orders will be priced at a blended creative rate of $150/hr. The blended creative rate is a mixed rate including strategy, consulting, design, and web development. The scheduling of a new phase after the initial launch of the website will require a new proposal or we’ll just roll it into one of our digital support plans.